C:\Program Files\LAPS>dir
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 0A26-9DC1
Directory of C:\Program Files\LAPS
11/03/2020 10:59 PM <DIR> .
11/03/2020 10:59 PM <DIR> ..
09/22/2016 09:02 AM 64,664 AdmPwd.UI.exe
09/22/2016 09:02 AM 33,952 AdmPwd.Utils.dll
11/03/2020 10:59 PM <DIR> CSE
2 File(s) 98,616 bytes
3 Dir(s) 13,020,606,464 bytes free
Its possible that LAPS or LDAP has been misconfigured enough to potentially contains the computer passwords for computer object in AD. Knowing this we can go back and search LDAP with the credentials with have specifically looking for the ms-Mcs-AdmPwd attribute.